
so ari and i already broke up a month ago and this is my first dream about him since.

it was the first week of being back at school after the long covid lockdown school break. we had an indonesian test i think in the lab. after indonesian, we’re supposed to have a math lesson but the teacher couldn’t really teach, even though she was at school. as i went to the back of the class on the left to take a seat, i stood still, feeling hesitant to sit at my desk. ari and i shared a desk, and since we already broke up, i thought it would awkward to sit beside him. i looked behind me to the right side of the class and saw my best friend, denise, calling me over to sit beside her. i also was hesitant to go there, i’m still not too sure why. i decided to sit on the floor in the front right corner of the classroom and go on my phone for a while. as i was just about to open instagram, ari came over and lied down right beside me. i kept my eyes on my phone, confused of what just happened. i looked at ari. he was looking back at me. i pat my lap, showing him he could lie on me. i felt a mix of emotions gushing through me. it was like a tornado of butterflies and vomit. it was confusing.

suddenly, ari and i are in my bedroom. no light was on except the fairy lights. we took pictures together – as best friends. i knew he still had feelings for me, but mine were all gone. i felt bad for him but at the same time what he has done to me in the past doesn’t compare to anything i’ve ever done to him.

my parents called us and asked if we wanted to go to a waterpark…

i remember having a dream about a waterpark but i forgot the story, so this is my dream for today:)

Published by ayudhya

oh hi! welcome to my blog! i'm dhya [aura] and i have many things to share with you, including my experiences on past events, my opinion on new things such as song albums, movies and so on. i hope you enjoy:)

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