
this dream i had isn’t any fantasy or mythical dream. where it took place wasn’t the important bit, more of what happened was something that i realised i kept on experiencing in my dreams.

it was just an ordinary day. i was on my phone and found out two of my friends from my previous school, indah and vidya were in atlantis as a representative of their school. they were there to do research on that underwater city which had already been renovated for a KIR paper. i thought it was interesting so i decided to volunteer myself as a representative of my school. i also took that chance to meet my old friends. i went to the harbour and went on a boat. moments later, that wooden boat turned into a submarine which took me to the entrance of atlantis. as i walked in, i looked around and i felt like i already knew that place. i didn’t think much of it when i was still subconscious, but now thinking about it is kinda weird considering the fact atlantis looked like a hotel hallway. i got a call on my phone so i picked it up. the KIR coach was the one who invited me to a group video call with indah. they finished they discussion and there was a chance for me to speak. “hai indahh!” she didn’t answer. i was confused so i called her name one more time,”ndah?” she hung up and only the coach and i were left. the coach knew i was there because he was the one to invite me, but why didn’t indah? i discussed some topics with the coach and once we were done, i saw indah in front of me in that hallway. i said hi again. she looked at me, smiling as usual but didn’t answer me.

Published by ayudhya

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