
somebody who was like elsa took me to a place which is apparently my ‘calm’ place. that calm place happened to be on the edge of a bottom part of a cliff. that ledge was made of frozen sea water. the waves were extremely rough and monstrous, so they would bash into the cliff harshly and create a wave which bounces back into the ocean. the temperature had to be freezing since every time a wave comes, it instantly freezes creating a ledge which according to elsa was my ‘calm’ place. we walked the corner to the left to see rapunzel and moana doing something with her canoe. a literal thunderstorm was occurring yet they still choose to fix moana’s canoe. the day ended there.

i went to a mechanic’s house asking if i could see the dog. he said i could. i’m not sure what made him allow me enter his backyard but nobody was allowed to enter. my classmates from junior highschool asked me how i could get in but i just answered i don’t know – because i genuinely didn’t know. i asked the mechanic if i could borrow his dog for the day and he let me. i went into a meadow which looked like the buddha statue from abomidable from the bottom but had no face. it was just flat land with round, yellow flowers. as i was writing a note to the fairies though the yellow flowers, the brown dog i borrowed from the mechanic was floating. everything felt so magical.

the next day, i was in mu uncle’s uncompleted house. i was getting some water, but i barely got any. i told my younger cousin, dik tut and he told our aunt. she told him to accompany her while getting two gallons of water. one from the water refill shop and one from mount besakih. i was confused as why they had to go all the way to a mountain just to get water. and another thing that made me confused was why my aunt was suddenly sitting on dik tut’s back on the floor, basically suffocating him. they finally went to get water, but i got bored. i decided to join my uncle, dad and older cousin, bli odek near a window. it wasn’t technically a window yet. it was just an empty square in the wall. on the other side of that window, there was like a wall like what would be seen from mum and dad’s room’s window in perth. the only difference was that the wall was short. the view behind that wall though was beautiful. the only thing in sight was just a rice field. a rice field which stretched out ’til the end of the horizon. there was nothing else in sight other than a single rice field. i looked away then looked back and saw my uncle and dad talk to two people from papua. their skin was beautifully dark and shiny. the dad was talking to my uncle and my dad, while the child was wearing a red pepper paste (gochujang) face mask. bli odek gave him water because it looked dry already and ready to wash off. he washed off the mask but his face was stained red. the dad then said to all of us, i’s rare to find someone who can see the entire world. after he said that, my dream ended because of stupid cramps – bye.

Published by ayudhya

oh hi! welcome to my blog! i'm dhya [aura] and i have many things to share with you, including my experiences on past events, my opinion on new things such as song albums, movies and so on. i hope you enjoy:)

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