story idea

I was always known for being quiet in class and never got involved in many things. One day as I was going to give my bf a gift  at at the mall, I saw him with another person. I decided to end it right there. I pat him on his shoulder and shoved the giftContinue reading “story idea”


Mid quarantine He breaks up with me because aku ga direstuin *ring ring* Me       :           halo? Ari :            aura, aku mau ngomong sesuatu sama kamu… Me       :           aura? Kok manggilnya aura? iya, kenapa? Ari       :            hhh… kamu nggak direstuin sama ortuku… Me       :           oh, iya… gpp. sekarang kamu mau gimana sama aku? krnContinue reading “restu”

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