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capek boleh, tapi jangan berhenti

setelah sekitar dua minggu dam ini tertutup, akhirnya bisa aku buka kembali sementara. tahun baru ini tentunya disambut dengan semangat oleh diriku, teman-teman, dan juga tugas. minggu ketiga di bulan januari ini terasa berlalu begitu saja. perasaan, baru kemarin hari senin. tapi, nyatanya sekarang sudah hari kamis.awalnya, tugas kelompok aku terima dengan meriah. tugas kelompok…


a whole wave of emotions carry me into my room, to let that water go in a form of a waterfall. it drips, slowly from my eye to the table. my cheeks are starting to sting from that water. nothing i can do to stop it. anger, guilt, hatred but also love. emotions – strong…


somebody who was like elsa took me to a place which is apparently my ‘calm’ place. that calm place happened to be on the edge of a bottom part of a cliff. that ledge was made of frozen sea water. the waves were extremely rough and monstrous, so they would bash into the cliff harshly…


this dream i had isn’t any fantasy or mythical dream. where it took place wasn’t the important bit, more of what happened was something that i realised i kept on experiencing in my dreams. it was just an ordinary day. i was on my phone and found out two of my friends from my previous…

started with a video call

i was going home from somewhere with mum and he happened to need some snacks to bring back home while we were in penatih. we went to a convenience store nearby to get some supplies. we were the only ones there until 3 boys approched me to have a casual chat with me. minutes passed…


the story is longer than this but what i’m writing here is all that i remember. so my grade 9 class were walking somewhere idk what for and the place we walked through happened to be in bangli. our destination was near and we walked through pertigaan around 500m from home (demulih-home-sala). some of my…


so ari and i already broke up a month ago and this is my first dream about him since. it was the first week of being back at school after the long covid lockdown school break. we had an indonesian test i think in the lab. after indonesian, we’re supposed to have a math lesson…

obstacle of life

waseda boys – jerome polin and his friends in a vlog went to a restaurant which had in indoor playground. the indoor playground had some kind of tunnel which theh had to go through to enter the playground. after passing the tunnel, everything changed. the place is now in the clouds, arjuna and bima were…

story idea

I was always known for being quiet in class and never got involved in many things. One day as I was going to give my bf a gift  at at the mall, I saw him with another person. I decided to end it right there. I pat him on his shoulder and shoved the gift…

dream dump

06.09entah awalnya gmn, aku di pertamina ketemu yogi ama vino kalo ga salah, trs kt ngbrl bntr segala mcm. lambang pertamina yg dibagian bawanya tu kan pecah, vino nyuruh aku ngmbil bekas plastik yg ada on the other side. trus kt ambil dh. bawa balik, kita coba pasang. ntah dimana logika kita waktu itu tpi…


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